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Configuration Files Library (by TGG 2020)
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This software and manual are provided under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. Permission is granted to reproduce this manual or any portion for any purpose, provided this copyright and permission notice are preserved. |
The PANUKL package is a low order panel code. Usually user can make the project using GUI application called GridView, however main computational programs can be run in batch mode and user can automate the computational process according to his wish.
The PANUKL_API is a set of Input/Output classes which can be useful to automate the computational process. The PANUKL_API also contains the procedures for runing the Panukl Project (PanProj) application to produce data for SDSA (Simulation and Dynamics Stability of an Aircraft) package as well as to run SDSA in the batch mode
PANUKL 2020 is the next version of the package to be used for aerodynamic computation of an aircraft, using low order panel method. The package has over 20 years history. Beginning in 1994, the first version of the preprocessor, computation programs, and presentation software was completed in 1996 and named PANUKL 96 (PANeli UKLad 96). This version worked under MS-DOS system.
The first version of PANUKL package in windows architecture was created at the turn of 2001-2002 and was designed to work on both MS Windows and Linux. The major functional change was to create a GridView program that was a part of both a pre- and post-processing and was the main program for managing the package as well. However, it was still possible to run package programs from the command line to maintain compatibility with the previous version as far as possible. The package in this version was being developed through the following years, and in 2009 the first comprehensive manual, both in Polish and English version was added.
A large number of changes and the emergence of new package components, mainly for data handling and results, prompted the author to submit a new version (2012) and to close the previous project (2002). Currently, after six years and subsequent changes, we are introducing a new 2020 version.
PANUKL: https://www.meil.pw.edu.pl/add/ADD/Teaching/Software/PANUKL
SDSA: https://www.meil.pw.edu.pl/add/ADD/Teaching/Software/SDSA