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Configuration Files Library (by TGG 2020)
CACD_FILE | Parameters file to add propellers info to 3D panel code |
▼CIOFUN | Simple I/O functions class |
CAIRFOIL | AIRFOIL class to manipulate the airfoil geometry or it can read geometry data from file (5 commonly used fromats) or generate 4-digit and 5-digit naca airfoils Geometry data (coordinates) is stored in the arrays |
CCONNECT_DATA | Structure, which defines connection of two wings |
CCON_FILE | Parameters file for Connect program - grid connection |
CGRID_ARRAYS | Main class for PANUKL input and output files manipulation |
CMS2_Data | MS2 data structure manipulation |
CNGH_FILE | Parameters file for Neigh program - wake and neighbours calculation |
CPANUKL_AUTO | Parameters file for PanuklAuto program (computation of one sequence) |
CPANUKL_PLR | Parameters file for PanProject program - creates POLAR for particular A/C configuration (grid+wake file) |
CPANUKL_PRJ | Parameters file for PanProject program - creates data set for SDSA |
CPAR_FILE | Parameters file for Panukl program (computation of velocity potential distribution) |
CPRS_FILE | Parameters file for Press program (computation of pressure distribution) |
CSDSA_FILE | Simple output file of Press program: reference values, aerodynamic coefficients, flow parameters |
CSDSA_PARAMS | Parameters file for SDSA program to run SDSA in batch mode |
▼CTXT_OUT_FILE | General output text file |
CCZY_FILE | Spanwise distribution output file of Press program: aerodynamic coefficients, reference values, etc |
CPOLAR_FILE | Polar file - longitudinal aerodynamic characteritics wrt Alfa (angle of attack) |
CMASS_OBJECT_DATA | MASS_OBJECT_DATA class and functions |
CMATRIX_3x3 | MATRIX_3x3 class and functions |
▼CMEMFUN | Class with overloaded "new" operator initializing object with zeros |
CAIRFOIL | AIRFOIL class to manipulate the airfoil geometry or it can read geometry data from file (5 commonly used fromats) or generate 4-digit and 5-digit naca airfoils Geometry data (coordinates) is stored in the arrays |
CGRID_ARRAYS | Main class for PANUKL input and output files manipulation |
CNACA_PROFILE | NACA_PROFILE class to generate 4-digit and 5-digit naca airfoils Created by Alexandre Naaman (hoser.nosp@m.@ste.nosp@m.p.pol.nosp@m.ymtl.nosp@m..ca) 30-08-1995 Code clean-up, modifications to include more 5-digit sections: Shamim Mohamed (shami.nosp@m.m@sy.nosp@m.nopsy.nosp@m.s.co.nosp@m.m) 8-09-1995 corrected & modified to encapsulate into C++ class by Tomasz Grabowski (tgrab.nosp@m.@mei.nosp@m.l.pw..nosp@m.edu..nosp@m.pl) Jan.2012 included to PanuklConfigLib 20.11.2020 |
CMS2_Conn | Connection |
▼CMS2_Data_Struct | MS2 data structure definition |
CMS2_Data | MS2 data structure manipulation |
CMS2_FusCurve | Fuselage outline curve |
CMS2_Fuselage | Fuselage definition |
CMS2_Fuselage_File | Fuselage data file |
CMS2_Fuselage_Params | Fuselage parameters |
CMS2_General | General data for ms2 structure (geometry) |
CMS2_ModWing | Wing defined by modules |
CMS2_ModWingModule | Module used for "module wing" definition |
CMS2_NacelleWing | Data of nacelle type of wing |
CMS2_OBJ | Structure that contains data of main airplane objects (wings, fuselage) |
▼CMS2_Profile | Profile definition |
CMS2_FusAirfoil | Data of airfoil taken to fuselage geometry generating |
CMS2_Ref | Reference values |
CMS2_Section | Definition of section (used in "Section Wing") |
CMS2_SecWing | Wing build from sections ( WING_TYPE_SECTIONS ) |
CMS2_SuperEllipse | Data for module of super ellipse type |
CMS2_Wake | Wake |
CMS2_Wing | Wing definition |
CNACA_AIRFOIL_DATA | A struct containing airfoil data |
CPANEL | A class for manipulating the rectangular panel |
CPropDef | Structure to define actuator (propeller disc) |
CVECTOR_3D | Vector 3D class - vector manipulation |