Configuration Files Library (by TGG 2020)
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CACD_FILEParameters file to add propellers info to 3D panel code
 CIOFUNSimple I/O functions class
 CAIRFOILAIRFOIL class to manipulate the airfoil geometry or
it can read geometry data from file (5 commonly used fromats) or generate 4-digit and 5-digit naca airfoils
Geometry data (coordinates) is stored in the arrays
 CCONNECT_DATAStructure, which defines connection of two wings
 CCON_FILEParameters file for Connect program - grid connection
 CGRID_ARRAYSMain class for PANUKL input and output files manipulation
 CMS2_DataMS2 data structure manipulation
 CNGH_FILEParameters file for Neigh program - wake and neighbours calculation
 CPANUKL_AUTOParameters file for PanuklAuto program (computation of one sequence)
 CPANUKL_PLRParameters file for PanProject program - creates POLAR for particular A/C configuration (grid+wake file)
 CPANUKL_PRJParameters file for PanProject program - creates data set for SDSA
 CPAR_FILEParameters file for Panukl program (computation of velocity potential distribution)
 CPRS_FILEParameters file for Press program (computation of pressure distribution)
 CSDSA_FILESimple output file of Press program: reference values, aerodynamic coefficients, flow parameters
 CSDSA_PARAMSParameters file for SDSA program to run SDSA in batch mode
 CTXT_OUT_FILEGeneral output text file
 CCZY_FILESpanwise distribution output file of Press program: aerodynamic coefficients, reference values, etc
 CPOLAR_FILEPolar file - longitudinal aerodynamic characteritics wrt Alfa (angle of attack)
 CMATRIX_3x3MATRIX_3x3 class and functions
 CMEMFUNClass with overloaded "new" operator initializing object with zeros
 CAIRFOILAIRFOIL class to manipulate the airfoil geometry or
it can read geometry data from file (5 commonly used fromats) or generate 4-digit and 5-digit naca airfoils
Geometry data (coordinates) is stored in the arrays
 CGRID_ARRAYSMain class for PANUKL input and output files manipulation
 CNACA_PROFILENACA_PROFILE class to generate 4-digit and 5-digit naca airfoils

Created by Alexandre Naaman ( 30-08-1995
Code clean-up, modifications to include more 5-digit sections:
Shamim Mohamed ( 8-09-1995
corrected & modified to encapsulate into C++ class
by Tomasz Grabowski ( Jan.2012
included to PanuklConfigLib 20.11.2020
 CMS2_Data_StructMS2 data structure definition
 CMS2_DataMS2 data structure manipulation
 CMS2_FusCurveFuselage outline curve
 CMS2_FuselageFuselage definition
 CMS2_Fuselage_FileFuselage data file
 CMS2_Fuselage_ParamsFuselage parameters
 CMS2_GeneralGeneral data for ms2 structure (geometry)
 CMS2_ModWingWing defined by modules
 CMS2_ModWingModuleModule used for "module wing" definition
 CMS2_NacelleWingData of nacelle type of wing
 CMS2_OBJStructure that contains data of main airplane objects (wings, fuselage)
 CMS2_ProfileProfile definition
 CMS2_FusAirfoilData of airfoil taken to fuselage geometry generating
 CMS2_RefReference values
 CMS2_SectionDefinition of section (used in "Section Wing")
 CMS2_SecWingWing build from sections ( WING_TYPE_SECTIONS )
 CMS2_SuperEllipseData for module of super ellipse type
 CMS2_WingWing definition
 CNACA_AIRFOIL_DATAA struct containing airfoil data
 CPANELA class for manipulating the rectangular panel
 CPropDefStructure to define actuator (propeller disc)
 CVECTOR_3DVector 3D class - vector manipulation